Welcome to the Absurd

Some things are rather complicated.  Others are fairly simple.  With that in mind, I do my best to appreciate both ends of the spectrum, while maintaining a wide range of interests and appreciation of different views in regards to things going on out in the world.  In trying to keep such an open mind, I’ve found that some of the most interesting observances one can make tend to fall somewhere between simple and complicated.  But in my experience, I’ve also found that too many people tend to want to oversimplify or overcomplicate the hell out of almost anything, to the point of outright absurdity.  And with that realization, I’ve also come to recognize that those absurdities, once recognized, are quite amusing for those of us who don’t take them too seriously, and outright horrifying to those who do take them seriously.

So with that in mind, I’ve created my own little corner of the Internet where  I get to say what I want; unfiltered, uncensored, and unapologetic about all the complicated and not so complicated things that catch my attention.  If I find a topic interesting, I’ll eventually find a way to write about it in a way that I hope is honest and entertaining.  Unlike some blogs out there, this one is open to just about anyone who would like to comment, complain, leave praise or criticism, or just call me on my bullshit, so please feel free to do so, and welcome to the absurd.

Any complaints, comments, or feedback can be left here.