Random Absurdities January 31, 2012

So it’s been a while since the last round of absurdities, and that means there’s a lot of catching up to do.  Since last time, the holidays have come and gone, and hopefully most of you didn’t get one of those dreaded Hickory Farms gift baskets.  Those really are the gifts that truly keep on […]

A Fair Look at Joe Paterno

Joe Paterno is dead.  Yep, there it is; brief, sudden, and to the point, and truth be told, the most honest assessment of the man’s domination of the headlines of the past forty-eight hours.  Just to get over the initial shock, let’s put it out there one more time; Joe Paterno is dead.  Not just “He […]

The Tebow Haters’ Worst Nightmare

Please note that this article was originally submitted to Yahoo! through their contributor network a week ago.  However, seeing as how the fucktards at Yahoo! couldn’t get around to reviewing it until three days after the game, I received the lovely response that this article wasn’t timely.  No shit!  So, since I did promise the […]