The Personal Responsibility the Right has for Trump

For anyone who thinks impeaching Trump at this point would only be symbolic at best and partisan theatrics at worst, here are a few things to consider. Yes, the whole idea is completely symbolic. It’s symbolic of who our elected representatives in Congress really are, where their loyalties truly lie, and what ideals and values […]

The Right’s New Version of Democracy in Action

As an American, at least on a personal level, the three most traumatic events to affect the nation in my lifetime have been the Columbine school shooting, 9/11, and yesterday’s failed insurrection. While terrible, those first two never made me feel quite as numb as the one yesterday. The reason for that is the first […]

A Normal Day at the Office

In the days since our latest mass shooting, there’s been a noticeable difference in the news coverage it has received. For those paying attention, the coverage of Virginia Beach and recent events of a similar nature have begun to show a gradual change in the sort of media attention they receive. Anyone who’s paid any […]

Let’s Talk… But Not About Guns

After spending a weekend listening to far too many individuals from across the political spectrum sound off on the Parkland, Florida high school shooting, one thing has become abundantly clear. We need to talk. And no, I’m not talking about guns. Not yet anyway. As much as I tire of the political right rolling out […]

PC #MeToo Valentines for Women

I hope everyone had a happy and pleasant Valentine’s Day. Hopefully, some of you may have found the ideas offered up from yours truly useful when it came to finding just the right words to tell them just how you feel, without getting you sued years from now. But admittedly, the first batch of cards […]

PC Valentines for the #MeToo Era

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Or, if you’re single, Happy Singles Awareness Day to you. With the world the way it is these days, it can be difficult to determine just what is and isn’t appropriate when it comes to professing your love for that special someone. Fortunately, I’m here to help with my offering of […]

Dialogues with a “Real American”

Updated February 10, 2018: Due to some limitations (I’m too cheap to pay for an upgraded account), I was initially unable to publish this post with the running sidebar commentary that was intended to accompany it. For my own running internal dialogue as I was working on this project, check out Dialogues with a “Real […]

Random Absurdities January 31, 2012

So it’s been a while since the last round of absurdities, and that means there’s a lot of catching up to do.  Since last time, the holidays have come and gone, and hopefully most of you didn’t get one of those dreaded Hickory Farms gift baskets.  Those really are the gifts that truly keep on […]