Random Absurdities January 31, 2012

So it’s been a while since the last round of absurdities, and that means there’s a lot of catching up to do.  Since last time, the holidays have come and gone, and hopefully most of you didn’t get one of those dreaded Hickory Farms gift baskets.  Those really are the gifts that truly keep on […]

Random Absurdities August 26, 2011

Okay, as some of you may know life has really gotten in the way of things for yours truly in the past month or so, but here for your entertainment and pondering pleasure is the latest round of absurdities.  I’ve got some catching up to do on a few subjects and fully expect to get […]

Random Absurdities June 30, 2011

Another round of absurdities… So I saw a very sad story in the news this week where an eighteen-year-old kid was walking to a friend’s house and got jumped by a group of teenagers who nearly beat him to death.  Thankfully, the kid that was jumped survived and should recover, and his assailants were identified […]

Random Absurdities June 24, 2011

Quit telling me that every new automobile made in this country is the “latest import from Detroit.”  If I’m going to buy a car from a third world country, it’ll be from the nuclear wasteland formerly known as Japan. Obesity is not a disease.  I might let you call it a condition, but sorry, you don’t […]