The Personal Responsibility the Right has for Trump

For anyone who thinks impeaching Trump at this point would only be symbolic at best and partisan theatrics at worst, here are a few things to consider. Yes, the whole idea is completely symbolic. It’s symbolic of who our elected representatives in Congress really are, where their loyalties truly lie, and what ideals and values […]

The Right’s New Version of Democracy in Action

As an American, at least on a personal level, the three most traumatic events to affect the nation in my lifetime have been the Columbine school shooting, 9/11, and yesterday’s failed insurrection. While terrible, those first two never made me feel quite as numb as the one yesterday. The reason for that is the first […]

A Normal Day at the Office

In the days since our latest mass shooting, there’s been a noticeable difference in the news coverage it has received. For those paying attention, the coverage of Virginia Beach and recent events of a similar nature have begun to show a gradual change in the sort of media attention they receive. Anyone who’s paid any […]

Let’s Talk… But Not About Guns

After spending a weekend listening to far too many individuals from across the political spectrum sound off on the Parkland, Florida high school shooting, one thing has become abundantly clear. We need to talk. And no, I’m not talking about guns. Not yet anyway. As much as I tire of the political right rolling out […]

The Conrad Murray Trial

Okay kids, it’s that time again for yours truly to rant about another one of those awesome media trials.  This one isn’t quite as serious or longwinded as the last one of this nature about Casey Anthony, as we’ll be taking a look at Michael Jackson’s doctor, who earlier today was found guilty of manslaughter. […]

Casey Anthony and the Ongoing Debate

By this point I am going to assume that most people reading this are familiar with the Casey Anthony debacle, the verdict that came from the case, and the subsequent outrage that verdict caused.  Yes, I know I’m a little late getting to the party, that’s what happens when life gets in the way.  Still, […]

The Somewhat Infamous Sarah Palin Rant

This article was originally posted on Facebook on June 8, 2011 in response to the growing number of mainstream media stories discussing Sarah Palin’s views of Paul Revere’s contributions to history.  As one might imagine, this article earned an enormous amount of feedback and comments from both sides of the spectrum. Please note, that I’ve […]